Hypothermia and How to Prevent It
Hypothermia is a cold-related emergency that can be deadly if not properly dealt with. Hypothermia is the point where the human body cannot compensate for heat-loss anymore. The system loses heat faster than it can generate it.
Periodization in Training
Periodization is the concept of dividing a training block into distinct phases that when completed together promote physiological adaptation over time. These phases vary in length of time and intensity based on the goals of the athlete.
You Decide When You’re done, Not Your Injury
Too often clients tell me that they were told they should never run, bike, ski or do X again. This often leaves the client feeling devastated and lost. I always cringe when I hear it and I’m challenged for two reasons…
Not Every Shoe Fits - Choosing the right shoe for you.
Not Every Shoe Fits. - Choosing the right shoe for you.
Concussion – What is it? How do we recover from it?
After a concussion, the brain must work harder to complete tasks that were easy to complete before the concussion. Things like looking at a screen, being in a noisy environment, or exercise will tire out your brain much more easily. In other words, your threshold of tolerance for stimulus to the brain is lower.
Returning to the Scene of an Injury
Two years ago, our Physiotherapist Lori Anne clipped a rock with a ski in a Ski Mountaineering Race Castle Mountain Resort and had a traumatic, aggressive, and season-ending crash. As she prepared to return to racing this fall, she began to experience flashbacks of the crash. Going back to the same racecourse for her first race back was a seemingly overwhelming task.
Athlete Identity + Injury
We believe that anyone who is dedicating a portion of their life to movement and activity can consider themselves an athlete. Injury can be a hard thing to content with when this is a large part of your identity.