Periodization in Training

Periodization is the concept of dividing a training block into distinct phases that when completed together promote physiological adaptation over time. These phases vary in length of time and intensity based on the goals of the athlete.

Typically training blocks are programmed in 3 to 4 week cycles that consist of:

  • recovery week: needed for tissue repair and energy restoration for future training

  • build week(s): gradual increase in load on body systems to promote change

  • high volume week: peak load to stress body systems to promote change

KEY TIP: track the load you put on your body and monitor how you feel!

  • Load can include: number of workouts, intensity, time, distance, and elevation.

  • Tracking what you do and monitoring how you feel can help you identify changes that can be made to optimize your workouts and prevent injury.

  • The FITT Principle below is a great tool to use when designing a training plan!

The FITT Principle

Frequency: how often you exercise. This includes any type of physical activity.

Intensity: how hard you exercise (easy, moderate or hard).

This can be monitored by the rate of perceived exertion (RPE) or heart rate.

Time: the duration of the exercise.

Type: the kind of exercise - aerobic, anerobic, strength, flexibility/mobility.

When starting a new training program - consult a trained professional!

They will help determine your ideal starting load based on your current health, recent physical fitness, injury history, and your fitness goals.


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